
No other market is developing quite so quickly and is exposed to quite so much competitive pressure as the telecommunications industry. Scalable, flexible software with an intelligent architecture are essential for companies to remain competitive. Adaptations can be configured according to the customer’s requirements and business processes. For more than 20 years, Ergon has been one of the most experienced partners of telecom companies both within Switzerland as well as further afield. Our long-term employees know the industry like the back of their hand; as far as we’re concerned, this is the most important prerequisite for being able to provide you with effective solutions in the field of software engineering.

“What I particularly appreciate is their reliability – the things that are promised are then actually delivered.”

Dr. Alexander Vilbig Head of IT, M-net Telekommunikations GmbH


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Contact at Ergon

Adrian Berger
Adrian Berger
MD Finance & Telecom Solutions
+41 44 268 89 26